Thursday, June 9, 2011

So let me catch you up a bit. We hit Edinburgh then drove down the coast all in like on day! After hiring stratford on Avon which was beautiful and seeing shakespeares tomb we spent thenight next to stonhenge. Unforunately it was too hard to sneak in so we hadveo fork over the pounds for something we could see from outside. After we were in bath,tue coswalts, tried I get into the top gear track but got kicked out, saw arundel castle, Windsor castle, ad ended up I oxford. Unfortunately everything was closed and we walked around until we found theaevtwo girls smoking and asked for directions to cs lewis ad jrr tolkein pub. They were 17 and not very helpful but preceded to follow us there where we found it and had a few beers after the girls led us the wrong way like 10 times. They lived in oxford but were so clueless. After that we went with them to some other bar where we talked and try eventually ditched us and we drove semi-drunk to the nearest rest stop where we spent the night, London was nuts getting ban into and eurocar found a microscopic scratch on the hb cap and charged us or it...assholes. That night we saw wicked, Daniel for the first time.

He was totally blown away and said now musicals at ruined forever for him because they just can't compare. The elphaba was really amazing so the performance was awesome and interesting to hear in British accents.

Later we went to Dover on a bus and caught the ferry to Paris where we were piled up y andres friends. They showed us the opera house, moulin rouge, eifel tower, capital building, arc de triumph, in their car ten bought us a 100euro dinner!! They were so so kind. We stayed the night with them and then they dropped us off at Versailles which was amazing then we too the subway in and saw the louvre which is really cool but a bit disorganized. In four hours we pounded through 80 percent of it and saw all the big main attractions. Anyway sorry there's just so much to say and not enough time but then we went to Italy which is where we are now. I'll catch you up more soon.

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