Monday, May 30, 2011

Posh living

Well it's been a long few days as I'm writing this on my iPod. Well we slept with a bunch of homeless people at kings cross station after getting kicked out of a hostel we were sleeping on the floor in. We got moved several times before getting woken up by a security guard. By the way, if you think American authority figures suck, any British person with authority has a stick shoved up their ass. Honestly they are the most terribly obnoxious, pompous assholes I have ever met. Anyway we made it I cambrige after being lost and going the opposite direction. We heard the Cambridge trinity choir randomly which was amazing! We detoured to York which was ok, the castle was tiny though. Next we went to fountains abbey. They tried to charge us 18 pounds to get in! So we walked up a service road and snuck in for free, just a big middle finger( or here a inverted peace sign) to the authority figures.

Anyway sorry this is so fast but its hard to write on a tiny iPod. After we saw the halderon wall an old roman wall built in England. Tons of fun. So now we are in Glasgow, I had a beer with ian and Daniel and I didn't get carded it was awesom!Driving here is insane espeially on the wrog side of the road, Daniel had been doing all the driving because he clutch on our car is so hard I stalled it for like 10 minutes on a hill like 10 times.

They have wierd rules here too like you can't pass someone on theleft, only on the right and have average speed check cameras which some are fake ad peoplewarn you by flaying their lights, the camera averages your speed when entering and leaving the spots and sends you a ticket. Anyway more to tell when I have a bigger computer

Saturday, May 28, 2011


So it has been one heck of a week.  The hostel was nuts because there was this one guy who snored up a storm and it was crazy talking to the foreign people because some of them were really strange.  I had a really fun week, i've pretty much seen everything in London.  I feel just like a local.

I finally made a friend, Kylie, she is really cool and from Oregon and we just were like going crazy because in the hostel some people were wierd.  Like the one guy was talking about all the girls he banged, the people under my friend kylies bed were having sex while we were all in the room, and finally there was the guy who talked to himself and i always thought he was talking to me.  We walked around everywhere in the city though and I got to show Kylie around.  Surprisingly we had awesome deep conversations as well about politics, God, and everything it was quite an experience knowing someone for 24 hours and being able to be so open, it was great, and extremely nice having someone smart to talk to and not just slutty girls hanging around like in the hostel.  But anyway her boyfriend seems pretty cool and they've been dating about 6 years which is awesome and it was really funny being able to see a girl's perspective from the long-time relationship and be able to impart to her the guys perspective.  I hope I was helpful, and that their relationship lasts.

Anyway Daniel finally got to King's college dorms at like 2:15 last night.  He missed his first train then got to Calais and apparently the port was huge.  He got lost and missed his ferry.  After getting to England like 5 hours late he missed his bus and walked around in Dover trying to find some transportation to London.  After meeting with some shady people with knives he finally got to the train station made it to victoria station and frantically called me with his phone that may not have worked and he wasn't supposed to use in europe.  He got a taxi back to the college and we somsehow got him there after spending way too much money.  So we went to bed at 4 and finally woke up and here we are getting ready to go out at 11:30 in the morning.

I love you all.  Pray God will protect us because me and Daniel are nuts :)  But we'll have a great time, God bless you all I miss you and pray for you guys every day.  I'll write again soon I hope.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Right... Right... Right, Left, Right

So today was my first full day in London.  It was fantastic!  Taylor took me to see Buckingham Palace, the Globe, the place where the Harry Potter Bridge exploded in the 7th movie, Parliament Building, Big Ben, and Westminster Abbey.  Yea we pretty much walked around for about 4 hours straight, it was intense but a really good workout.

Whenever, I'm trying to get around though I always look the wrong way when crossing the street.  You're always taught look left then right, but here it's opposite.  Pretty much everything is opposite so it gets really confusing.  Anyways, I'm amazed that like half (and by half I mean 1/3) of the girls here are cute, and they all are really fit (Chandler I know you want to be here really bad, so I'm looking double for you).  I got to see a ton of London today, in the next week I'm going to hit up all the museums.  Also, We're going to see a Globe show of As you Like it tomorrow!  And I'm going to see a choir concert hopefully on Tuesday.  It's wierd, I've been kinda jet lagged but I actually slept pretty well last night and forced myself to get up this morning at around noon because that's like 4 am California time.  Everything's been really fun though and great!

In Taylor's bathroom though the toilet is like literally right next to the shower and my goal is to take a shower while taking a dump.  I know I dream big.

Love you all and hope you're having as much as fun as I am.  London is beautiful and a ton of fun just to walk around in because it's both big, but personable and full of history as well (Although the Thames is kinda brown and gross, that's the one thing they should fix).  Love you guys and God bless!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Carpe Aeternitatem

My dearest friends,

In two days I set off for England on another crazy chapter in my life.  I'm sure all of you know, but I will be in Europe, travelling around for 3 weeks before studying abroad in Prague for 1 1/2 months.

Today in class we were studying Moby Dick and the differences between tragic and comic characters.  While this does not merely relate to "happy" or "sad" characters it does relate to a lifestyle.  Tragedy is the carpe diem lifestyle where everything goes while comedy is a lifestyle which can take a look at life from a distance and laugh it off.  However, my teacher proposed a different lifestyle from either, one that revolves around carpe aeternitatem or living for eternity.  While this lifestyle does not embrace either of these it does include both of them.  This life of "tragic-comedy" views the world from the edge of the cliff without dangling precariously off.  To speak less superstitiously and more practically this lifestyle involves not taking yourself too seriously.  When someone cuts you off on the freeway smile and laugh that the person is in such a hurry and you are not.  Take chances and have rules but don't follow every single one of them all the time.  Some rules are meant to be broken.  When someone is making you angry ask why they are making you angry and shrug it off because you probably have done something like that before and even if not, you don't know what their day has been like.

And have tons of fun and don't live life hanging off the cliff but as near to the edge as you can with one foot firmly planted on the ground.  I love you all and will miss you so much.  I'm glad I can give you all a proper goodbye this time unlike last time.

Have a fantastic part of the summer when I am gone and remember to live like there is a tomorrow, but one that can change and isn't defined by today.  God bless you all until we meet again.

