Saturday, May 21, 2011

Right... Right... Right, Left, Right

So today was my first full day in London.  It was fantastic!  Taylor took me to see Buckingham Palace, the Globe, the place where the Harry Potter Bridge exploded in the 7th movie, Parliament Building, Big Ben, and Westminster Abbey.  Yea we pretty much walked around for about 4 hours straight, it was intense but a really good workout.

Whenever, I'm trying to get around though I always look the wrong way when crossing the street.  You're always taught look left then right, but here it's opposite.  Pretty much everything is opposite so it gets really confusing.  Anyways, I'm amazed that like half (and by half I mean 1/3) of the girls here are cute, and they all are really fit (Chandler I know you want to be here really bad, so I'm looking double for you).  I got to see a ton of London today, in the next week I'm going to hit up all the museums.  Also, We're going to see a Globe show of As you Like it tomorrow!  And I'm going to see a choir concert hopefully on Tuesday.  It's wierd, I've been kinda jet lagged but I actually slept pretty well last night and forced myself to get up this morning at around noon because that's like 4 am California time.  Everything's been really fun though and great!

In Taylor's bathroom though the toilet is like literally right next to the shower and my goal is to take a shower while taking a dump.  I know I dream big.

Love you all and hope you're having as much as fun as I am.  London is beautiful and a ton of fun just to walk around in because it's both big, but personable and full of history as well (Although the Thames is kinda brown and gross, that's the one thing they should fix).  Love you guys and God bless!


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