Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Carpe Aeternitatem

My dearest friends,

In two days I set off for England on another crazy chapter in my life.  I'm sure all of you know, but I will be in Europe, travelling around for 3 weeks before studying abroad in Prague for 1 1/2 months.

Today in class we were studying Moby Dick and the differences between tragic and comic characters.  While this does not merely relate to "happy" or "sad" characters it does relate to a lifestyle.  Tragedy is the carpe diem lifestyle where everything goes while comedy is a lifestyle which can take a look at life from a distance and laugh it off.  However, my teacher proposed a different lifestyle from either, one that revolves around carpe aeternitatem or living for eternity.  While this lifestyle does not embrace either of these it does include both of them.  This life of "tragic-comedy" views the world from the edge of the cliff without dangling precariously off.  To speak less superstitiously and more practically this lifestyle involves not taking yourself too seriously.  When someone cuts you off on the freeway smile and laugh that the person is in such a hurry and you are not.  Take chances and have rules but don't follow every single one of them all the time.  Some rules are meant to be broken.  When someone is making you angry ask why they are making you angry and shrug it off because you probably have done something like that before and even if not, you don't know what their day has been like.

And have tons of fun and don't live life hanging off the cliff but as near to the edge as you can with one foot firmly planted on the ground.  I love you all and will miss you so much.  I'm glad I can give you all a proper goodbye this time unlike last time.

Have a fantastic part of the summer when I am gone and remember to live like there is a tomorrow, but one that can change and isn't defined by today.  God bless you all until we meet again.



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