Saturday, May 28, 2011


So it has been one heck of a week.  The hostel was nuts because there was this one guy who snored up a storm and it was crazy talking to the foreign people because some of them were really strange.  I had a really fun week, i've pretty much seen everything in London.  I feel just like a local.

I finally made a friend, Kylie, she is really cool and from Oregon and we just were like going crazy because in the hostel some people were wierd.  Like the one guy was talking about all the girls he banged, the people under my friend kylies bed were having sex while we were all in the room, and finally there was the guy who talked to himself and i always thought he was talking to me.  We walked around everywhere in the city though and I got to show Kylie around.  Surprisingly we had awesome deep conversations as well about politics, God, and everything it was quite an experience knowing someone for 24 hours and being able to be so open, it was great, and extremely nice having someone smart to talk to and not just slutty girls hanging around like in the hostel.  But anyway her boyfriend seems pretty cool and they've been dating about 6 years which is awesome and it was really funny being able to see a girl's perspective from the long-time relationship and be able to impart to her the guys perspective.  I hope I was helpful, and that their relationship lasts.

Anyway Daniel finally got to King's college dorms at like 2:15 last night.  He missed his first train then got to Calais and apparently the port was huge.  He got lost and missed his ferry.  After getting to England like 5 hours late he missed his bus and walked around in Dover trying to find some transportation to London.  After meeting with some shady people with knives he finally got to the train station made it to victoria station and frantically called me with his phone that may not have worked and he wasn't supposed to use in europe.  He got a taxi back to the college and we somsehow got him there after spending way too much money.  So we went to bed at 4 and finally woke up and here we are getting ready to go out at 11:30 in the morning.

I love you all.  Pray God will protect us because me and Daniel are nuts :)  But we'll have a great time, God bless you all I miss you and pray for you guys every day.  I'll write again soon I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Crazy! Crazy! Can't wait to hear more about everything. Stay at least somewhat out of trouble and keep making new amigos. Also, change that ridiculous and retarded font and change your background again. You wont even be flying now that you're over there. Jeeeeez. I'll deal with your run on sentences if you change that junk, you English Major.
